Castlefield Gallery Associates Spotlight: Lizzie King

Posted on 12 July 2023

This month we have asked Lizzie King to contribute to our Castlefield Gallery Associates Spotlight series, in which current Castlefield Gallery Associates share their thoughts on what the programme offers and how it has been useful for them.

Can you tell us a little bit about your practice?

I’m Lizzie King, an artist who works with digital and analogue forms of photography, printmaking, and sound, blurring and pushing the lines between the forms to create new works. The narrative of our ‘human centred universe’ is a starting point to exploring the relationship and understanding we have of scientific articles and fictional stories which inform my practice.  Giving the environment agency within the work is important in my practice. I enjoy working with and in the environment, engaging and developing more integrated ways in which to create with our surroundings as well as pushing experimentation with local resources to bring about more sustainable processes. Alchemy is a concept that fascinates me as well as the spontaneous nature that using chemical processes within my work can bring. I’m interested in capturing the essence of place created by the many species around us in the natural environment, how we can capture the remnants as well as how it can all be refined to dust. 

How did you hear about Castlefield Gallery Associates and why did you want to join?

I’ve known about the Castlefield Gallery Associates scheme for years via friends but was never in a position to join. I felt like joining would be a good opportunity to meet people, hear more about the local arts scene, and give me opportunities to get involved.

What are you looking forward to most about your coming years membership?

I am looking forward to gaining knowledge from the talks and advice offered by the program of events and the sessions as well as meeting new people.

Find out more about Castlefield Gallery Associates here

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