Castlefield Gallery Associates Spotlight: John-Robin Bold

Posted on 18 April 2023

This month we have asked John-Robin Bold to contribute to our Castlefield Gallery Associates Spotlight series, in which current Castlefield Gallery Associates share their thoughts on what the programme offers and how it has been useful for them.

Can you tell us a little bit about your practice?

I make experimental & classical music, multimedia installations and website-specific art. Although I work a lot with new media, my affinity is not drawn towards innovation; but specifically to how our artistic traditions and aesthetic sensibilities are being fundamentally reshaped by new consumer technologies. Confronting the digital forms that preside over our daily lives, has led my music and installations to delve into the relations between spirituality, power, technology, and capitalised culture. The latest project I am working on is a series of 20 YouTube videos which take on YouTube’s public audio library, interface and functions to use them expressively as sonic and visual material with, about and against the platform.

How did you hear about Castlefield Gallery Associates and why did you want to join?

I first read about the Associates on the Castlefield Gallery website. Having recently moved from Berlin to Manchester, I was surprised to find the gallery so officially approachable. Oftentimes my experience with cultural institutions (regardless if they’re galleries, festivals, clubs, concert organisers etc..) has been that they are inapproachable unless you are part of their friendship circles, or acquainted with the direct staff that run these cultural hubs. However, the quality of art does not grow with the number of one’s friends involved in it. Instead, the Associates model at Castlefield promotes art in a truly public manner which people from all strata of society are able and welcome to engage with – this attracted me to join.

What are you looking forward to most about your coming years membership? 

I am especially looking forward to meeting many interesting people, building friendships and connections of artistic kinship. I hope to find in Castlefield Gallery Associates a stimulating environment in which many ideas can be discussed and realised together.

Find out more about Castlefield Gallery Associates here

You can also apply for a fully funded Castlefield Gallery Associates here

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