Castlefield Gallery Associates Spotlight: Qianhui Yu

Posted on 23 March 2023

This month we have asked Qianhui Yu to contribute to our Castlefield Gallery Associates Spotlight series, in which current Castlefield Gallery Associate members share their thoughts on what the programme offers and how it has been useful for them.

Can you tell us a little bit about your practice?

I am a visual narrator using the multi-media to tell stories: from drawing illustration, 2D animation and handmade crafts. My artworks often involve elements of the female, surrealism, folklore, Chinese traditional patterns and designs. I hope I can create more meaningful and imaginative art works, and I believe art should stand with community and could be a useful tool for social change. 

How did you hear about Castlefield Gallery Associates and why did you want to join?

I saw the Open Call about Funded Gallery Associates Membership posted by Eastside Project for the first-time last year, and I also submitted one of my animated films to the Open Screen event in December.  

I wanted to join the Associates because I recently moved to the North West. I would really love to know more creative artists in the area, especially in Manchester, get involved with more local art events and opportunities, rather than making art in my own world.

What are you looking forward to most about your coming years membership?

I am very looking forward to being part of the Castlefield Gallery art community. I hope I can get access to the exhibition spaces, art talks and other events. And I can’t wait to see what it will bring to my next steps in my art practice.

Find out more about Castlefield Gallery Associates here


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