‘Chats in Lockdown’, Soft Bodies episode, featuring Emma Cousin, Megan Snowe and Raj Parameshwaran

Posted on 30 July 2020

As we look forward to reopening this September with our as yet unseen exhibition Soft Bodies, we have commissioned a special episode of participating artist Emma Cousin’s podcast ‘Chats in Lockdown’.


For this episode, available here: AnchorSpotify, Emma Cousin has invited writer Rajesh Parameswaran (author of I Am an Executioner: Love Stories (2013) described by The Washington Post as “the advent of a genuinely distinctive voice in American fiction”), and fellow exhibiting artist Megan Snowe, to join her for a chat in lockdown.


Their conversation takes the Soft Bodies exhibition as a starting point as well as the restrictions and changes to our daily activities caused by Covid-19, such as the increasing presence of video conferencing in our lives. The discussion takes places via the internet between London and New York and covers subjects including the disembodying and embodying nature of technology, the removal of things from the body, phantom limbs, body trash and the potential of inhabiting our non-flesh-based erogenous selves. 


Following their discussion Rajesh Parameswaran has written a short story which is available to download here. Copyright 2020 Rajesh Parameswaran. All rights reserved.


The podcast also features music from Semi Precious, who collaborated with artist Jake Moore on Other Life (2019) also exhibited as part of the Soft Bodies exhibition. 

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