Monochrome pen drawing by Darren Adcock called Grandma's Toes

Show See Say: Art Crits

Show See Say: Art Crits

28 February 2017


For CG Associates only

Show See Say are regular events in the CG Associates programme providing members a platform to present recent work, test ideas and receive critical feedback within a supportive group of peers.

This session features short Show and Tell presentations from Darren Adcock and Andrew Gilmore, and longer in-depth crit sessions with Sabrina Fuller and Elizabeth Kwant.

Darren Adcock‘s practice incorporates drawing, sound, electronics, mechanics, sculpture, interaction and installation. Darren will discuss the practical and conceptual methodology of the different disciplines and the themes that interconnect them, emphasising a number of key tropes and themes including: scale and detail and their relationship to compulsion and detachment; disability rights and issues; improvisation or interruption; and modular approaches to bodies of work.

Andrew Gilmore will show part of his film Can’t Wake A Dead Man:
Los Angeles, 1988 a young man has appeared on the scene and is causing a stir. Can’t Wake A Dead Man follows the man’s tumultuous journey through the people he meets on the way up and on the way down. The project merges the narrative of cinema with portrait photography. The portraits are black and white for a documentary feel and as a nod to classic Hollywood. Influences come from fillmmakers Brian De Palma and David Lynch as well as golden era MTV. Can’t Wake A Dead Man leans towards cathode ray aesthetics rather than the modern, brittle and razor sharp HD trend.

Sabrina Fuller will show an extract from I’ll Tell You about the Mermaid , a 15-minute HD video made for her December 2016 MA Photography final show at the London College of Communication:
Twelve women are asked to choose a setting and, in that place, to perform an expression of their subjectivity – their experience of ‘being’ a woman. The women’s words, their harmonies and dissonances, are given voice against the sounds and images of the site of each of the twelve, unseen, performances. Together their contributions invite the viewer to consider what female subjectivity means today to different individuals; how we construct our identity and self-conception, and what our subjectivity has the potential to become.
Fuller will also show Part of Something Bigger, which explores issues of representation and of collaboration through charting the process of working with one of the women who contributed to Mermaid. 

Elizabeth Kwant will show Mediterranea, a postcard series based upon a wider body of work Crossings (2015-2016). Beginning life as found media images, the postcard titles reference idyllic household paint names such as  Sundown, Golden Rays, Beach Resort, Chance, Sea Green juxtaposed next to images of the Mediterranean migration ‘crisis’. The idyllic holiday titles soon give way to images of triumph, transition and control. Kwant’s selective appropriation of media images seeks to open up a space to question narratives; images once produced for media output have here been re-edited and playfully deconstructed in order to open up space to question our construction of reality.

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