Portfolio Review Sessions
Posted on 5 January 2013
Castlefield Gallery are pleased to once again be teaming up with Creative Industries Trafford to offer a day of portfolio sessions for contemporary visual artists on Sat 16 March, 11am – 5pm.
Artists will be allocated a one-to-one 45 minute session where portfolio viewers will be able to offer critical feedback or career development advice. Portfolio viewers include Artistic Director of Open Eye Gallery, Lorenzo Fusi, Deputy Director and Curator at Castlefield Gallery, Clarissa Corfe and artist and curator, Elaine Speight.
With the help of the portfolio viewer, participants will create a simple action plan which we may use to monitor your progress.
Booking: Please register your interest for the Portfolio Surgery by emailing info@creativeindustriestrafford.org.
Include your name, address, a contact telephone number and a statement of 50 words or less outlining your artistic practice and the reason for wanting a portfolio review.
Statements will be used to select successful applicants and to best match applicants to a portfolio viewer.
Cost: £5 for successful applicants.
Venue: Castlefield Gallery, 2 Hewitt St, Manchester, M15 4GB