The Exchange Summit

Posted on 24 July 2022

Thursday 15 September 2pm – 5pm

This January 58 artists came together to make new connections across the country. Pairing peers from different networks artists began conversations, collaborations and in some cases making together. Supported by a programme of activities led by The Exchange participants that saw workshops ranging from exploring the living creatures in your vicinity to quiet crits, slowly the Exchange pairs began to get to know each other.

This summit concludes The Exchange by sharing activities, outcomes, processes and experiences from the artists. The event structure and content aim to reflect the vast array of practises, experiences and approaches within The Exchange.

To attend, please book your ticket via eventbrite.




What is The Exchange?

THE EXCHANGE  2 is the second iteration of a project connecting artists and creative practitioners across the UK. Bridging the gap created by limited movement and opportunity to network The Exchange aims to create new exchanges and friendships between artists that wouldn’t otherwise be able to connect. This open-ended process has no limits or boundaries but is simply framed by the invitation to begin a conversation.

The Exchange 2 builds upon the 2021 iteration of the project where 60 artists across the UK were paired together with the simple invitation to begin a conversation. The artist pairs valued the connection to another peer to think alongside and support one another. Although there was no anticipation of a formal outcome artists did make together resulting in video collages, animation, sacred knotting installations and performances. The variety of responses, levels of connection, outcomes and conversations was vast and far-reaching with some artists connecting for a short time and others who will continue to talk and collaborate long into the future.

Eastside Projects (EOP), CAMPCastlefield Gallery (Associates)The NewBridge ProjectPrimarySpike Island (Spike Island Associates), and Turf Projects have each selected 8 artists from their networks to take part in the project through an open call. In total 56 artists will participate.

Participating Artists:

Castlefield Associates: Hatitze Achmet, Bryony Dawson, Candice Dehnavi, Klaire Doyle, Clara Glyn, Katie McGuire, Babs Smith, Sylvia Waltering

EOP Members: Jennifer Brough, Soohyun Choi, Sherrie Edgar, Rebecca Farkas, Yva Jung, Marcus Keating, Eleanor Morgan, SOP

CAMP: Chloe Bonfield, Ruth Brown, Erika Cann, Karen Howse, Tina Kutter, Lucie Smith, Frances Staniforth, Sarah Trotter

Primary: Louisa Chambers, Belén Cerezo, Pete Ellis, Rhiannon Jones and Traci Kelly (Kelly + Jones), Alison Lloyd, Nathanial Mann, Sam Metz, Roger Suckling

Spike Associates: Helen Acklam, Simone Hesselberg, Garry Loughlin, Maisie Moon, Sammy Paloma, Tina Salvidge, John Steed, Veronica Vickery

The NewBridge Project: Charlie-Mae Bloom, BJ Choudre, Georgia Holman, Margaret Jennings, Georgia McGrath, Roberto Picciau, Meitao Qu, Beth Ross

Turf Projects: Julia Chwascinska, Theresa Dodzro, Salina Jane, Desilver Johnson, Emma McAndrew D’Souza, Yolanda Shields, Claire Undy, Amy Wilson

Image courtesy Candice Dehnavi

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