Panel discussion at BLANKPSACE

Posted on 16 November 2012

Castlefield Gallery Director, Kwong Lee is pleased to be taking part in a panel discussion alongside Sarah Perks, Programme & Engagement Director, Cornerhouse at BLANKSPACE on Thurs 22 Nov.  The event coincides with the solo exhibition by artist Joe Doldon, winner of The Title Art Prize 2011.

In November 2011, Blank Media Collective launched The Title Art Prize, a new art prize, in celebration of 5 years of supporting emerging practitioners. Doldon’s prize of a Blank Media Collective supported solo show continues at BLANKPSACE Sun 9 Dec 2012.

Artist talk, Q&A and panel discussion:  Thurs 22 Nov, 6-8pm Venue: BLANKSPACE, 43 Hulme Street, Manchester, M15 6AW



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