Jamboree – new opportunity for CG Associates members

Posted on 23 September 2015

Castlefield Gallery is very pleased to be teaming up with Plymouth Arts Centre, Spike Island (Bristol), G39 (Cardiff), Eastside Projects (Birmingham and Glasgow Sculpture Studios to put on Jamboree, a 3-day residential workshop in Plymouth (Nov 2015), targeted at emerging to mid career artists. 18 artists/participants will be selected from 6 artist associate schemes (3 artists per scheme), located across the country:

PAC Home – Plymouth
Spike Associates – Bristol
Wales Artist Resource Programme – Cardiff
Extra Special People – Birmingham
CG Associates – Manchester
Glasgow Sculpture Studios – Glasgow

From Thursday 12–Sunday 15 November the 18 participating artists will take part in exercises led by LOW PROFILE and guest curator Martin Clark to critically examine where and how they operate as professional artists and identify the challenges to address in moving forward. All participants will eat together, sleep in a shared space, visit galleries and artist-led spaces in Plymouth and establish long-lasting, supportive relationships with peers from other parts of the country. Participants will also be offered complimentary tickets to the screening of The Jarman Award 2015 shortlist screening at Plymouth Arts Centre on the first night of Jamboree.

Jamboree aims to foster a peer network of artists who are invested in each other’s practices, providing useful and supportive connections; provide a focused professional development opportunity and maximise energy and resources, by gathering a group of artists together from across the country to share knowledge, practice and networks.

Artists LOW PROFILE have developed Jamboree in partnership with PAC Home, Plymouth Arts Centre’s associate programme. We hope to expand regional/national networks for artists and visibility of artists based ‘in the regions’; create a social environment for sharing/to support the potential of long lasting connections and to provide useful professional contacts and connections.

Martin Clark will join the workshop as invited guest curator, to offer a critical ear and to run a session as part of the weekend. Martin is Director of Bergen Kunsthall and has recently been appointed as Artistic Director of Art Sheffield. LOW PROFILE will deliver/host the workshop alongside Martin.

Participants must have been working professionally as artists for at least 2 years post graduation and be able to demonstrate an active practice. Applications will be assessed on how clearly artists articulate their concerns, practice and professional development needs, a sense of professionalism and ambition.

Jamboree is produced and facilitated by LOW PROFILE with the generous support of a-n and Plymouth Culture in addition to the six main partners: PAC Home and Plymouth Arts Centre, Spike Associates and Spike Island, WARP and g39, Extra Special People and Eastside Projects, CG Associates and Castlefield Gallery, Glasgow Sculpture Studios.

See full applicant information here

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