Castlefield Gallery proud to secure continued support from Manchester City Council for the next four years

Posted on 9 March 2018

Castlefield Gallery is pleased to announce continued support from Manchester City Council. The organisation will be funded £10,000 per annum as a Cultural Partner of Manchester City Council for a further four years, and is one of 15 organisations to be awarded a Cultural Partnership Agreement for the period 2018/19 – 2021/22.

Manchester City Council shared in its press release that: “funding has been awarded to organisations that have a strong offer and track record of delivering cultural opportunities for people of all ages, experiences and backgrounds.

The full list of organisations securing a Cultural Partnership Agreement for the period are:
Brighter Sound, Castlefield Gallery, Community Arts North West, Contact, Manchester Camerata, Manchester Craft and Design Centre, Manchester Histories, Manchester Jewish Museum, The Edge, Venture Arts, Company Chameleon, Quarantine, Reform Radio, Streetwise Opera, The Men’s Room.

Councillor Luthfur Rahman, Executive Member for Schools, Culture and Leisure, Manchester City Council, said:  “Manchester has a long and proud tradition of supporting culture and the arts, and for a very good reason.  Not only do the arts provide entertainment and enrich lives, investing in them also clearly makes sound economic sense.

“We want everyone in Manchester to benefit from the fantastic cultural opportunities on our doorstep whether that is as a participant learning valuable skills along the way, or as an audience member trying something new for the first time and perhaps having their eyes opened to a new way of thinking and seeing.

“We’re determined to further increase participation in the arts and our cultural partnership grants go some way towards ensuring this.”

Manchester City Council’s Cultural Partnership investment makes a vital contribution to Castlefield Gallery. Helen Wewiora, Director of Castlefield Gallery, highlights the importance of the fund to the organisation, looking forward to:

delivering a range of activities with the Cultural Partnership award, in particular using the funds to grow our partnership work, driving talent, skills and career development through all areas of the programme, including commissioning, art in the public realm, and international exchange.”

Five of the organisations receiving a grant in this round are new to the city’s Cultural Partnership, and Castlefield Gallery would in particular like to extend our congratulations to those organisations, as well as the other network of Cultural Partners.

Marla Cunningham, Castlefield Gallery Chair:

We are delighted to have secured funding from Manchester City Council. The Cultural Partnership grant enables Castlefield Gallery to connect the wider public to a diversity of creativity and shine a spotlight on the artistic talent in the city. It’s wonderful to see Castlefield Gallery get the recognition and support for the organisation’s role in building up a vibrant and healthy cultural ecology.

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