Beyond Diagnosis There Is A Full Moon, by George Gibson and Izzy Kroese

Posted on 28 October 2020

50 Windows of Creativity, Castlefield Gallery windows, 26 October – 5 December 2020

Castlefield Gallery is one of many spaces across the city of Manchester taking part in 50 Windows of Creativity, a showcase of new artist and maker works displayed in windows as a trail across the city.

For 50 Windows of Creativity, Castlefield Gallery invited George Gibson and artist Izzy Kroese of Shy Bairns, to develop a new work, Beyond Diagnosis There Is A Full Moon (2020). Based on conversations between the artists, the work attempts to link together the experience of being chronically ill and that of being a werewolf; from symptoms to diagnosis to treatment.

Izzy Kroese says: “Beyond Diagnosis There Is A Full Moon looks at invisible illness and werewolves, considering the idea of a body that is unfamiliar and out of your control. The text attempts to link together the experience of being chronically ill and that of being a werewolf; from symptoms to diagnosis to treatment. What does it mean to look like other people but be unable to live like them? How does it feel to have your body controlled by the moon?”

50 Windows of Creativity features work by both established and earlier career artists, designers, makers and collectives – all with a connection to Greater Manchester. Many works on display are available to buy directly from the artist or maker and the project culminates with an auction on 10 December 2020 which will see a selection of pieces auctioned with proceeds going to artists and makers, and to The Lord Mayor of Manchester Charity Appeal Trust – We Love MCR Charity which supports disadvantaged communities and individuals.

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