TALK: Katherine Angel
TALK: Katherine Angel
18 April 2015
To coincide with our current exhibition Superior Goods and Household Gods, Castlefield Gallery is delighted to welcome Katherine Angel, author of Unmastered: A Book On Desire, Most Difficult To Tell, to discuss aspects of her work on sexuality, psychiatry and pornography in relation to the show.
Katherine Angel is the author of Unmastered: A Book On Desire, Most Difficult To Tell (published in the UK by Penguin/Allen Lane and in the USA by Farrar, Straus & Giroux). Her writing has appeared in The Independent, Prospect, The New Statesman, Aeon, and Five Dials, and she reviews for the Times Literary Supplement and Poetry Review. She studied at Cambridge and Harvard universities, has a PhD from Cambridge, and after a fellowship at the University of Warwick, currently holds a research fellowship at Queen Mary, University of London. She is writing a book on ‘female sexual dysfunction’ and post-feminism. Her research has been published in History of the Human Sciences, Biosocieties, and The Lancet. She also collaborates with performance group The Blackburn Company on a live art reading, Unmastered Remastered. katherineangel.com
Reserve a free ticket at gettingyourworkoutthere.eventbrite.co.uk