Reflection and Refreshment (December CG Associates session)

Reflection and Refreshment (December CG Associates session)

06 December 2016


For CG Associates members only

How has 2016 been for you and your practice? Did you achieve what you wanted to? Maybe you’ve been frustrated by lack of progress and things beyond your control?

This session for CG Associates is designed to enable artists to reflect on their projects and activities during the year and consider what made them happen and be successful as well as any barriers and pitfalls encountered.

Participants will end up with personalised New Year resolutions for 2017 – some practical tips and inspirating advice for how to stay on track, assess plans and progress, keep learning and generally remain positive and confident whatever the year ahead may throw at you.

Susan Jones is an independent researcher whose specialist interests are artists’ livelihood and professional development strategies, the scope and value of artist-led ventures and activism. She offers mentoring to individual artists including on negotiating contracts, pricing and fundraising and resolution of conflicts in working arrangements and advises artist-led groups on vision planning, organisational structures and managing people. She has written for The Guardian, Arts Professional, engage Journal and a-n The Artists Information Company and provided evidence on artists’ ambitions and professional needs to government, cultural, arts and higher education enquiries and policy consultations in the UK and internationally. She is a Board member of Redeye: the Photography Network and was Director of a-n 1999-2014.

Image courtesy David Fawcett


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