Portfolio Surgeries for Contemporary Artists

Portfolio Surgeries for Contemporary Artists

28 June 2014

11:00 - 17:00

Castlefield Gallery is delighted to continue its partnership with Creative Industries Trafford to offer a day of portfolio sessions for contemporary visual artists with leading art professionals.

Book now for a session to get feedback for your work and/or get advice on progressing your development as an artist. There are 18 one-to-one sessions available, each 45 minutes long.

Advisors confirmed for Saturday 28 June 2014:

Cheryl Jones, Director of Grand Union, Birmingham

Matthew Pendergast, Curator/Programme Manager at Castlefield Gallery

Tony Trehy, International Art Curator and Poet (and also Manager of Bury Art Museum)

Previous portfolio viewers have included: Bryony Bond, Curator of Temporary Exhibitions at Whitworth Art Gallery; Ceri Hand, Founder and Director of Ceri Hand Gallery; Paulette Terry Brien, Co-Director at The International 3; Sarah Brown, Curator at Leeds Art Gallery; Rosie Cooper, Curator at Liverpool Beinnial; Clarissa Corfe, former Castlefield Gallery Deputy Director/Curator, currently Exhibitions Officer at Harris Museum and Art Gallery; Lorenzo Fusi, Artistic Director at Open Eye; Clare Gannaway, Curator at Manchester Art Gallery; Deborah Kermode, Deputy Director at Ikon Gallery; Kwong Lee, Director at Castlefield Gallery; Helmut Lemke, artist and educator; Richard Parry, Curator at Grundy Art Gallery; Sara-Jayne Parsons, Exhibitions Curator at Bluecoat; Jane Rolo, Director at Book Works; and artist Elaine Speight.

With the guidance of the viewers, all participants will create a simple action plan which we may use to monitor your progress.
Bring your portfolio (either in digital format on a laptop or 2D format up to A1 in size).

Booking: Email info@creativeindustriestrafford.org with a brief description of your work (50 words) and  your reasons for booking a surgery (50 words) along with any relevant web links. This information will be used to select successful applicants and to best match applicants to a portfolio viewer.

Cost: £7 / £5 (CG Associates price)

Venue: Federation House, Manchester. Corner of Federation St and Balloon St (map)

We are always
Free to visit
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