Portfolio Review Sessions

Portfolio Review Sessions

18 February 2017


Castlefield Gallery is pleased to again be teaming up with Creative Industries Trafford to offer a day of portfolio sessions with leading art professionals.

The sessions are tailored for contemporary visual artists who want to develop their active professional practice.

The portfolio viewers are:

Thomas Dukes, Curator at Open Eye Gallery, Liverpool

Patricia Fleming, Director of Patricia Fleming Projects, Glasgow

Matthew Pendergast, Curator at Castlefield Gallery, Manchester

Portfolio sessions are one-to-one and 45-minutes in length. Artists can bring their portfolio either in digital format on a laptop or in 2D format – maximum A1 size.

To apply email info@creativeindustriestrafford.org with a brief description of your practice and an out line of what you want to achieve from a portfolio session (up to 50 words), with web links if applicable.

Cost: £8 / £6 concessions or CG Associate members 

Venue: Castlefield Gallery, 2 Hewitt Street, Manchester, M15 4GB


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