PERFORMANCE – The Action of the Play

PERFORMANCE – The Action of the Play

20 May 2010

18:00 - 20:00

In this performance displacement is stretched further as Castlefield Gallery is turned over to the theatre for this special double evening event.

Short excerpts from Luigi Pirandello’s satirical play Six Characters in Search of an Author are spliced together and performed in a 20 minute loop by actors from the Manchester School of Theatre. Each excerpt is repeatedly, yet differently, brought to life as the actors perform multiple roles for the gallery audience. Come and go as you wish.

Séan Aydon – Actor
Chris Evans – Director
Will Finlason – Actor
Kevin Lennox – The Producer
Sam Lupton – Actor
Natasha McClure – Stepdaughter
Cliff Myatt – Father
Samuel Reed – Son
Ben Seager – Director

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