Legacy Russell: Glitch Feminism

Legacy Russell: Glitch Feminism

11 March 2017


In 2013, Legacy Russell coined the term Glitch Feminism and began producing scholarship surrounding this socio-techno construct of gender and sexuality. Castlefield Gallery welcomes the New York born/London-based writer, artist, and cultural producer, Russell to Manchester for a talk and audience Q&A. Published in the BOMB, The White Review, Rhizome, DIS, The Society Pages, Guernica and Berfrois, Russell’s academic and creative work focuses on gender, performance, digital selfdom, idolatry, and new media ritual. Her first book Glitch Feminism will be published by Verso in Autumn/Winter 2017.

This event is part of Wonder Women 2017, Manchester’s annual feminist festival, running 2-12 March 2017. Visit creativetourist.com/wonderwomen

Reserve a free ticket at eventbrite.co.uk

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