CG Associates Bursaries for Jamboree 2018
Posted on 1 September 2017
Castlefield Gallery is pleased to be partnering with artist duo LOW PROFILE on Jamboree 2018 by providing three ticket-only bursaries for CG Associates members. Jamboree 2018 is a four-day artist-led professional development event at the Dartington Estate, Devon, from 28 June to 1 July 2018, which will bring together 150 visual artists, curators and programmers in a participant-built programme of presentations, activities and discussions.
Jamboree aims to support the development of a geographically dispersed, national network of artists and curators. Jamboree 2018 will enable essential, productive connections to be made between participants, supporting artists & curators to meet, share experiences, exchange skills, test out ideas & broaden the reach of their work.
The event will feature seminars by invited curators and artists, micro-exhibitions, video and moving image screenings, communal making sessions and info tents run by organisations such as a-n, and is aimed at critically engaged artists, arts organisers, curators and programmers from around the UK and further afield. Other partners for Jamboree 2018 are Plymouth Culture, VASW (Visual Art South West), CVAN NW, PAC Home (Plymouth Arts Centre), WARP (g39, Cardiff) and Extra Special People (Eastside Projects, Birmingham).
To apply, see artistsjamboree.uk/tickets. The application deadline is midnight on Friday 20 October 2017.
Jamboree 2018 follows a successful pilot project in 2015 which was developed with support from a-n (The Artists Information Company), PAC Home (Plymouth Arts Centre’s associate programme) and Plymouth Culture in November 2015. The 2015 event was attended by CG Associates members Clara Casian, Beth Ketten and Emma Sumner and kickstarted several collaborations and projects between the artist participants from Plymouth to Glasgow. Hannah Rose of LOW PROFILE says “We hope that Jamboree 2018 will be the catalyst for many more productive relationships to be built between artists located across the UK.”
For more information, see artistsjamboree.uk/ and facebook.com/artistsjamboree